In the Media

ABC’s Landline spotlights conservation outcomes at Bullo River Station

13 Oct. 2023
Joey Clarke/AWC

The successful co-existence of conservation and pastoral activities at Bullo River Station in the Northern Territory will be highlighted in this weekend’s episode of Landline on ABC.

Presenter and reporter Kristy O’Brien travels to the 160,000 hectare working cattle station to explore its diversifying operations and a ground breaking partnership with Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) to prove scientists and cattlemen/women can work side-by-side.


Dr Eridani Mulder, AWC Senior Wildlife Ecologist, checks a camera trap with Landline Kristy O'Brien. Landline/ABC
Dr Eridani Mulder, AWC Senior Wildlife Ecologist, checks a camera trap with Landline Kristy O’Brien.


During the episode, Kristy accompanies Dr Eridani Mulder, AWC Senior Wildlife Ecologist, as she collects camera traps set out to survey native wildlife on the station. The pair discuss the delivery of land management and conservation science across key areas of the property, and dramatic results four years into the partnership.

Landline airs weekly on ABC TV on Saturday at 4.30pm, Sunday 12.30pm and Monday 10.00am. The episode will be available on ABC iView for demand here: Landline : ABC iview

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